Monday, January 4, 2016

Another Blog?

There are millions of them and some are actually read by others. I have no such expectations. However, I enjoy the illusion created by the Internet that I actually have a voice. If I post some words and 3 billion people have access to them, it feels somehow that somebody actually is reading them, and even liking them.

And this is important to me. I feel a need to express myself, to share my thoughts. I probably should have become a teacher or writer rather than a project manager. In the former professions, one is paid to give his thoughts. In the latter, one is paid to keep his mouth shout.

And the thing about persistent needs is that if neglected they emerge weirdly and inappropriately. For example, is work the place that I should express my plentiful criticisms of corporate culture? No is the easy answer to that question.

So I need to talk. And to whom can I talk? With friends unfortunately people settle into verbal routine. This friend and I talk sports. That friend and I complain about work. Not only the topic but the words employed are limited. The sentiments are limited. This applies even with highly intelligent people. We all become so routine and boring. I'm not sure why. Maybe it's because people play it safe with one another. They don't want to offend. Or, the routine serves as a kind of meditation.

I recall my 30th high school reunion where I met old friends after decades and watched the conversation start where we left off. Somehow we went right back into the old routines.

So a blog to the rescue? The challenge for me is to write as if there's an audience and not turn this into a journal because what if somebody actually does read it?

So here we go, one of many blogs for me. The others are purposeful. This is random. Thoughts from a middle aged man. And a middle aged person who thinks has something to offer.

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